

发布时间: 2024-05-17 04:28:18北京青年报社官方账号

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Amazon’s employee base is up 13 percent over a year ago. That is a big drop in annual growth from the past few quarters when headcount grew by rates ranging from 51 to 77 percent. A big reason behind that was the absorption of Whole Foods Market and the 87,000 people who work there. With some more distance from the Whole Foods acquisition, employee growth numbers will slow from the big jumps in recent quarters but line up better with what’s actually happening at the company.


Amid the epidemic, sales of gaming smartphones are also surging, which has attracted companies to pay more attention. Chinese smartphone vendor Oppo unveiled its latest 5G smartphone tailor-made for gaming enthusiasts on April 13 as it strives to tap into growing enthusiasm for mobile games amid the COVID-19 epidemic.


Amid the rising tensions between the two Koreas over anti-DPRK propaganda leaflets distributed across the border by ROK civic group activists, the DPRK has cut off all communication lines with the ROK and demolished the inter-Korean joint liaison office building at the DPRK's border town of Kaesong.


Among the 646 retrieved items, 16 are classified as national grade-one cultural relics.


Americans should also be aware that the Chinese community has been a role model in fighting the pandemic, said California state Senator Scott Wiener, who represents San Francisco, during an online news conference Tuesday.


